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Kalumnu Wakan'K'Cha

I am Kalumnu the young. I am a true seer spirit self of the Chowala Keh. In Heyarts eyes is oldness, but with them he sees with great truth even the cry of a baby, the sound of a drum lost to normal sight. Marlymak of the ears can hear the strange sounds of black, yellow, red, blue, brown, and all colours; even the voices of the stone to the Great Mother. Quahints hands which taste the flavours of the earth, air, water, and even fire; and form death in their bite. Pren'Chak the foot smells life and walks through the passages of time alone and eats of all elements. Olimak whose nose grasps pain, joy, hate, love, death, and life. Chanui the mouth who speaks of his foolishness, inability, and unworthiness does so as he is wise, and talented, and great in all things of thought and speech. Each in all are my body, and I am that to they. I know naught. We are seven of the Chowala Keh, call us by name, we are humble before you.

I am myself, and you are you. Together we are brothers. Brothers of which make up the Brotherhood of Mankind.

I like to think myself a warrior, or a man whom repels violence. Do not mistake my words, do not test my ability. I cast warlike actions from my conscious thought, I do not throw them from my being. I walk upon two paths in life.

A man is like a mountain. There is an ascent, and there is a descent. It is a burden of the outer self on the speed of the descending. Yet it is the quality of the inner self in the ascension.

I like to think myself a warrior, quiet, calm, each movement thought of before it is made. Man has many emotions, they cover an area from the bitterness of hate, to the sweetness of love. When a man hates he knows it; when he loves he must look around himself.

What do you think yourself to be? A contrary, a hunter, a priest, an artist? Or do you perceive yourself to be what you truly are. We know each person dreams to be that which they are not. Almost every woman beautiful; every man courageous. But...

Whatever you like to think yourself to be, remember one thing; it cannot be changed, it cannot be overcome in any way.

You are yourself! A child of the earth! You must grow knowing you are one day to die. You must learn pessimism can be conquered; optimism will help you grow.

Here are we, seven, in a galaxy of nines. That of the Chowala Keh, call us by name, we are humble before you.

Translation 1969 by Nitah Lindsey Phillips, Rice Lake, ON