I have walked upon the land where only sand grows. I have seen a water that stretches to infinity. I know the mountains where the clouds are born. I have stood upon the midnight trail where the darkness touched my soul. The path I have chosen is long and exhausting. One becomes tired with the bitterness of too many wild fruits. Bitterness is only a taste and there are so many tastes. Some do enjoy bitterness. My path is long and I have seen many sights. I should be happy that my path flowers along the way. There are some paths which many have chosen and have held many hates for. Yes, I have done well enough for myself in choosing this path of the untamed. I remember once of giving my path a name, but we all do that somewhere along the way.Often I have dwelt upon leaving this path and choosing another. My path is filled with many hills and valleys; one becomes used to them though, and mine has so many. I am better off than many people traveling the pathways for mine is easier than some, but worse than many. What was that name? I have stopped many times along the way to pick the wild fruits at the wayside and some are sweet, many are bitter. The flowers that bloom along the way are of all shapes and sizes, more often than not the flowers are beautiful. Of course I have strayed from my path and crossed others, but I always seem to come back to my own path, my home. I sleep peacefully at the side of my path whereas on others , people become frightened of the smallest sounds in the night. Each day I awake and start again on my path, I remember that along the way I will collect a series of of hopes and dreams which I can place carefully at the side of the path when I reach them. I place them carefully so that the one following will have as much chance or more than I when they travel along this way. When I reach the end of my path I know I shall never settle, for there are new paths that must be walked and new sights to see, and dreams to carry and place carefully along the way.
The name, I remember it now. My path is called Life. The soul who knows it is Chowala Keh. I, who walk it, am PrenChak. I guide.